
Archive for July, 2009


July 16th, 2009 No comments

Last night, I finally made it to the local soccer game that the kids have been going to. And joined in… besides some of the kids from their soccer league, their coaches plus various older kids (high school and college) and young adults are there. Plus a few (ahem) “mature” guys, like moi.

Wow, I am out of shape.

But I persevered. Gasped for breath a bit, like an old John Denver song:

Breathin’ like a freight train
Don’t know when I’ll get up again…

One of the college guys was kind enough to ask how I was doing —


There was, of course, only one appropriate answer:

“Life is pain, Princess!”

Question: What's worse than a skunk in the neighborhood?

July 15th, 2009 No comments

Answer: A family of skunks in the neighborhood!

No, this is not theoretical. And, while skunk kittens are cute, seeing five of them romping in the neighbor’s yard wasn’t endearing…

Categories: In The Neighborhood, Wildlife Tags:

Independence Day

July 4th, 2009 No comments

Denounce the government and embrace
the flag. Hope to live in that free
republic for which it stands.

— Wendell Berry, Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front

With gratitude for those who have sacrificed that I might have the opportunity to be free… I will be spending this day in work and thought.

For thought, I’ll begin by reading the text of the Declaration of Independence. It’s been too long.

And then, some working for freedom.

God bless.

Categories: Independence Tags: