
Archive for May, 2005

Ten Things

May 1st, 2005 No comments

Yes, I’m late to the party. I saw the ten things list from Henry Dieterich; here’s mine:

Ten Things I’ve Done (That You Probably Haven’t):

  1. Fenced competitively for a Big Ten university.
  2. Shorn sheep. Even used hand shears at least once (and left a relatively non-bloody sheep).
  3. Learned traditional West African music from an internationally-recognized African composer.
  4. Had nine living grandparents.
  5. Contributed to multiple free/open source software projects
  6. Flunked RCIA. 🙂
  7. Caught a Blanchard’s Cricket Frog in the wild in Michigan.
  8. Worked at a cyclotron.
  9. I can draw a circle on the map around all the places I’ve lived, and the radius is less than 100 miles.
  10. Read The Lord of the Rings. 15 times. In sixth grade. Did I mention that one of those times was in a single day?
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